Who are the Governing Body and What do they do?
Governors play an important part in overseeing the running of the school in the interests of the community it serves.
The Governing Body of Three Bridges Primary School is made up of representatives from the local community including parents, representatives from local business, the Local Authority, teaching, and support staff.
Parents are welcome to attend meetings of the governing body as observers but, as with members of staff not on the governing body, they cannot to be present during discussion of confidential items, or to vote.
Whenever a parent governor vacancy arises, the school will send nomination papers for parents so that any parents who are interested in becoming a school governor can elect themselves, giving reasons why they are interested in doing so.
Some things new governors have said:
“I have children at the school and want to express my interest and support.”
“I want to give back something in return for my education.”
“I had a happy time at school and want it to be so for this generation.”
“I'm a local councillor and aware of how important it is to provide good schools.”
“When I moved into the community I wanted to get to know people through service. Now I'm well established and accepted I'm glad to help the school and welcome the next newcomer!”
“I work in the education service and because of my interest in children and their learning I see this is an area in which I can further use my expertise.”
Our governing body works extremely hard on behalf of the school and the pupils and dedicates a lot of personal time to ensure that all our pupils are able to reach their full potential in a safe and happy environment.