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Three Bridges Primary School

Three Bridges Primary School

  • Learn, Enjoy, Achieve
  • Respect, Nurture
  • Engage
  • Resilience


Year 4 had a fantastic time in London exploring the Science Museum on Friday 26th January. 

The visit was to combine Year 4's two topics, the digestive system in Science and City life in Geography. As part of the visit, the children watched the ‘It takes guts’ live show. This was ‘a gross, squirm-inducing show for KS2 about the workings of the human digestive system.’

The children then explored the rest of the Science museum including the Wonderlab – an interactive experience spread across seven different zones which had loads of opportunities to interact with real scientific phenomena.

In addition to their time in the museum, the children saw many of the magnificent modern and historical buildings London has to offer, with the Science museum itself being nearly 100 years old.